
Showing posts from September, 2022

As Queensland readies for a third La Niña event, here’s how you can prepare your property

Queenslanders are being told to prepare now for the upcoming summer wet season, with the third La Niña in a row declared for Australia’s east coast. The devastation of the February 2022 flood disaster is still fresh in the minds of many residents, now facing another spring and summer of above-average rainfall and potential flooding. Here’s how to ensure you’re best prepared for the wet weather ahead. Check your insurance cover Experts say reviewing your current level of insurance cover should be a priority. Head of General Insurance at Compare the Market, Stephen Zeller, said some major insurance providers could introduce “temporary embargoes” on the sale of new policies or people amending their existing policy because of the La Niña declaration. This means homeowners would be denied coverage. “We know that these weather events are going to hit us at any time through spring and the summer [and] the biggest m...